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Accounting / Accounting & Finance Sec., Accounting & Finance Dept.

I want to tackle accounting tasks with strategic thinking. I would like to be able to offer suggestions to the managers pertaining to financial strategies.

  • K.Y.
  • She joined the company in 2009. On her days off she places importance on spending time with her family. Walking and relaxing in the sun at a park with her one-year-old son are bliss for her. She also feels happy getting all the housework done together with her family.

Current Job

The group's capital management

I decided to enter SMK because the company seemed different. SMK expanded overseas ahead of other companies. The company started using English as its official language in 2001, and it has always pursued advanced technologies. After I joined the company, I initially worked in the Corporate Planning Department. I am now working in the Accounting & Finance Section of the Accounting & Finance Department. My tasks include creating non-consolidated financial reports, tax-related work, capital procurement and management, and accounting. One of my duties involves the group's capital management. Because accounting personnel handle numbers related to the company's business management, they are not allowed to make any mistakes. A single mistake could cause a delay in settling an account and in the end might affect the announcement of the corporate financial statement. We are always under pressure but our section has great teamwork. Everyone takes care of and backs up each other. I took maternity and child-care leaves and came back to the company. SMK provides a wonderful environment for employees who are raising families.

Job Satisfaction

It is interesting to see the company's situation objectively based on the numbers.

My job is worthwhile because I can be involved in the company's decision making. For example, I create documents for business conferences by compiling data on achievements and plans regarding capital management for group companies. My documents are used to make judgment about business. This gives me both pressure and satisfaction. Working in the accounting section allows me to see the company's situation objectively based on the numbers. Since the computer system was introduced, our tasks have become more efficient and it is also interesting to see how traditional accounting tasks can change. This is why I should not be afraid of change and have the courage to make suggestions for improvements.

Challenges and Dreams

Supporting SMK's growth by utilizing financial knowledge

As global competition intensifies, the Accounting & Finance Department is required to work strategically. I want to contribute to the company's growth. To do so I must tackle my job by thinking strategically. In the future I would like to be able to make suggestions regarding financial strategies to the managers. To achieve this goal, I need to sharpen my business sense by understanding the company's situation, industry trends and economic circumstances, in addition to deepening my accounting knowledge. Even in daily tasks, I should try to think about what lies behind the numbers and what will happen in the future, rather than just tabulating numbers. My goal is to be able to support SMK in its continuing global advancement.

Career Step

  • 2009 -
  • Corporate Planning Dept.

    In charge of management of Annual Business Plan and Medium and Long-term Business Plan.
  • 2013 -
  • Accounting & Finance Sec., Accounting & Finance Dept.

    In charge of consolidated accounting, creation of financial data and annual reports.
  • 2015 -
  • Maternity and child-care leaves (One year and two months).
  • 2016 -
  • present: Accounting & Finance Sec., Accounting & Finance Dept.