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Development • design / Product Design Dept.1, CS Division

When a product which incorporates a part I designed becomes a best seller, I feel a special sense of accomplishment.

  • E.T.
  • He joined the company in 2014. His hobby is travelling and snowboarding. Since He is from a warm place, Miami, he loves going to snowy mountains in Japan because it is a new experience for him. His motto is, "Fall down seven times. Get up eight." His current goal is to become fluent in Japanese by experiencing Japanese culture through his daily life and travels.

Current Job

Designing battery connectors for new models

After graduating from department of Mechanical Engineering Science at a university in the United States, I started looking all over the world for a job. I investigated hundreds of companies and had job interviews with more than 20. I finally chose SMK for the challenges it offered. Since I joined SMK, I have designed battery connectors for smartphones and tablets. I am involved in all processes for new models from design, testing, evaluation, trial production to mass production. My job is to make continuous improvements to quality products in order to meet the requirements and strict standards of our customers. I sometimes accompany sales department staff at sales presentations to promote SMK's technology and I work with the quality control division to pursue thorough quality improvement. In preparation for mass production I review designs for ease of manufacture by meeting with production division staff.

Job Satisfaction

The greatest pleasure in my current job is making a million-seller product.

SMK's connector business has a long history and an established reputation in the industry. We have excellent technology and quality and have maintained an advantage with stable production and just-in-time distribution. Of course, the ability of our design engineers is highly evaluated. Once we reach the trial production stage, our track record for winning orders is very good. I am very gratified when I see one of my designs become a product released in the market. In particular, when a new product with a battery connector wins an order and is released after competition with our competitors, I am impressed and genuinely happy that I joined SMK. When the product becomes a best seller, or even a million seller, I feel great satisfaction and pride in my work. This is the best part of my job.

Challenges and Dreams

To become an engineer on the global stage

Unlike my senior colleagues who have lots of experience and achievements, my career has just began. For now, I think it is important for me to gain experience, including even failures. I would like to improve my knowledge and knowhow through my own trial & error efforts but also by putting the advice of my colleagues into practice. By doing so I will be able to make recommendations to customers. Currently my task is to meet customers' specifications and requirements, but in the future I would like to offer more proactive suggestions. For example, "Our designs fully utilize innovative technology. Please use SMK's core parts for your next model." My Japanese is not good enough yet, but I would like to become fluent in this nuanced and beautiful language by communicating more. Finally, my goal is to become an engineer on the global stage.

Career Step

  • 2015 -
  • Assigned to Product Design Dept.1, CS Division.

    He is in charge of designing battery connectors for smartphones and tablets.