SMK Electronics China
SMK Electronics China > Environmental



SMK Environmental Charter

Basic Philosophy

The SMK Group pursues environmental conservation as well as economic development by integrating its current technological strengths and creating advanced technology. As a good corporate citizen, every one of us will contribute to the promotion of sustainable global development.

Action Guidelines

 1. Establish an internal system to promote environmental conservation activities, establish and
     periodically review environmental targets, and promote continuous improvement to achieve the
 2. Aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve carbon neutrality in our business activities.
 3. Develop environmentally-friendly products (energy- and resource-saving, reduction of
     environmentally hazardous substances, etc.).
 4. Aim to minimize the environmental impact caused by procurement and production activities.
 5. Aim to reduce waste through efficient use of resources, promotion of reuse and recycling, and other
     resource recycling efforts.
 6. Promote business activities that consider the relationship with water resources and biodiversity.
 7. Comply with the laws, regulations, agreements, etc. of the countries and regions where the SMK
     Group is located.
 8. Conduct environmental education and awareness activities to raise employees' environmental
     awareness and promote environmental conservation activities.

For further information, please refer to SMK Global Site (Open link in new window)

  • Basic
  • Acceptance
  • Environmental
  • Others

Acceptance Observations

*Materials are only available in Chinese.