SMKTOP > CSR > E - Environmental Conservation Activities


Environmental Conservation Activities

Aiming for Carbon Neutrality

SMK has set medium- and long-term targets for Scope 1 and 2 emissions with the aim of achieving carbon neutrality by FY2045.

Carbon Neutral Target

● Medium-term Target
FY2030: Reduce CO2 emissions per unit of production value
             by 40% from FY2020

● Long-term Target
FY2045: Achieve carbon neutrality

Additionally, SMK is committed to improving energy efficiency in our production processes, aiming for an annual improvement rate of 1% or more in energy consumption per unit of production value, in line with the Electrical and Electronics Industries' Carbon Neutrality Action Plan by the Liaison Group of Japanese Electrical and Electronics Industries for Global Warming Prevention.

Key initiatives

● Upgrade to energy-saving facilities
● Install solar power generation systems
● Choose low-carbon power options

Progress in FY2022

CO2 emissions per unit of production value reduced by 33% from FY2020.
On track to achieve the medium-term target.

FY2022 Environmental Conservation Activities

Preventing Global Warming

By promoting energy-saving improvements, All targets for energy consumption and per unit of production value *1, and CO2 emissions and per unit of productio value *2 were achieved.
In addition to updating to energy-saving equipment, which has been a traditional activity, solar power generation equipment was installed at the Toyama works and the Hitachi works.

Biodiversity Conservation

SMK implemented a curriculum related to environmental conservation in an internship program for junior high school students.
On the other hand, before the the coronavirus pandemic, the environmental study course for nearby elementary school students was held evey year, but it could not be held in FY2022 in order to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and will be held in FY2023.

Effective Use of Resources

Targets for waste discharges and per unit of production value *3were achieved through promotion of waste elimination activities in the manufacturing process.
The target for landfill disposal was also achieved by promoting recycling at overseas production sites.

Ensuring Environment-related Substance Management

The management system for chemical substances in products was regularly upgraded and made more efficient.

Self assessment
A: Target achieved

Target not achieved
(improved on the previous year)
C: Target not achieved
Activities/td> FY2022 Self Assess-ment
Target Achievement
Preventing Global Warming Energy consumptions
172,746GJ or less
Energy consumptions
Energy consumtions per unit of production value*1
Reduction of 11% or more from prevous year
Energy consumtions per unit of production value*1
21% from the previous year
27,615t-CO2 or less
CO2emissions 24,008t-CO2 A
CO2 per unit of production value*2
Reduction of 11% or more from previous year
CO2 per unit of production value*2
22% reducton from previous year
Biodiversity Conservation Spreading awareness of biodiversity conservation An environmental conservation curriculum was implemented for junior high school student interns. B
Effective Use of Resources Waste discharge 990t or less Waste discharge 853t A
Waste discharge per unit of production value*3
Reduction of 18% or more from the previous year
Waste discharge per unit of production value*3
27% Reduction from the previous year
Landfill disposal  64t or less Landfill disposal  63t A
Ensuring Environment-related Substance Management Component Composition Information Registration and EU-REACH Compliance
Efficient System Operation
Regularly upgrade management systems to promote efficient operations A
  • *1:Energy consumtions divided by production value
  • *2 :CO2 emissions divided by production value
  • *3:Waste discharge divided by production value

Energy and Resource Saving Results

We are working to improve energy efficiency with the prevention of global warming as an important management issue.
We are also working to reduce the amount of waste and achieve zero emissions (zero landfill disposal of waste), aiming for effective use of resources.

Energy Saving Results

<Energy consumptions>

  Year on Year
Japan Overseas SMK Group
Energy consumptions
92% 91% 91%
Energy consumptions per unit of production value 84% 77% 79%

energy consumptions 

  • Unit calorific value (fuel) conversion factor:
  • ・Factors based on the Ministry of the Environment's "Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculation, Reporting, and Publication System" are used.

<CO2 emissions>

  Year on Year
Japan Overseas SMK Group
91% 90% 90%
CO2emissions per production value 83% 76% 78%

CO2 emissions 

  • CO2 emission factor:
  • ・Purchased electricity (Japan) : Factor published by the Electric Power Council for a Low Carbon Society,ELCS are used.
  • ・Purchased electricity (Overseas): Factors from IEA Emisson Factor 2021 are used.
  • ・Fuel: Factors based on the Ministry of the Environment's "Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculation, Reporting, and Publication System" are used.
  • ・Past results have been revised due to the update of CO2 emission factors.

<Installation of solar power generation equipment>
Solar power generation facilities have already been installed at Philippine works., and furthermore, solar power generation facilities were newly installed at domestic production sites in FY2022. The power generated is consumed in-house, leading to a reduction in CO2 emissions.

Solar Panel at Toyama Solar Panel at Hitachi
Toyama works:
(March 2023~)
Hitachi works:
(February 2023~)
Resource Saving Results

<Waste discharge>

  Year on Year
Japan Overseas SMK Group
Waste discharge
79% 86% 84%
Waste discharge per unit of production value 72% 73% 73%
Landfill waste - 88% 88%

Waste discharge 

<Landfill waste and recycling rate>

 landfill waste and recycling rate 

  • ・Reporting period: FY2022 (April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023)
  • ・Scope of calculations: SMK Corporation (seven sites in Japan) and consolidated subsidiaries (three in Japan and 16 overseas)

SMK Eco Products

Since fiscal 2012, we have established internal criteria for SMK Eco Products.
Eco products consist of "Eco-contributing products," which are classified by the end market of customer products, and "Eco-friendly design products," which are evaluated based on the level of environmentally friendly design.

SMK Eco Products Eco-contributing products SMK products used in products for environmental markets as defined by internal standards
Eco-friendly design products SMK products that meet internal standards for energy conservation and higher efficiency, resource conservation, environmental protection and eco-friendliness, and reduced load on manufacturing processes 
Percentage of sales of Eco Products

*SMK Eco products =Eco-contributing products plus Eco-friendly design products
  (If both are applicable, they will be counted unduplicated.)

Percentage of sales of Eco Products   

ESG data